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Diagnostic Assessments for Dyslexia or Dyscalculia

Why have a Diagnostic Assessment?

Why have a Diagnostic assessment for Dyslexia or Dyscalculia?

If someone is experiencing significant difficulties in their study or in day-to-day life and would like to either find out more, or needs further support then a Diagnostic Assessment for Dyslexia or Dyscalculia can really help.

An assessment will provide a clearer picture of someone's cognitive profile and their strengths and challenges. This will help to ensure that any support put in place is as effective as possible.

Other common reasons for a Diagnostic Assessment for Dyslexia or Dyscalculia are:

  • To apply for funded support at university known as Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA).
  • To use as evidence for Exam Access Arrangements whilst studying at college, university or for professional qualifications.
  • To apply for Exam Access Arrangements at school: For more information, please visit our FAQs section here.
  • To provide more information for employers so that they can make Reasonable Adjustments for an employee with specific difficulties.

We assess from age 7 onwards to comply with the SASC guidelines (SpLD Assessment Standards Committee), this is the governing body for our specialist teacher assessors. Please also note that since the covid pandemic, we would recommend waiting until the individual is aged 8 or over before booking an assessment. This is because gaps in learning may be due to absence from school and therefore assessing at a later age may be beneficial to see if the individual can catch up on their learning.

Start an application

Which service are you booking for?

Step 1 - Download and complete an enquiry form

Download Dyslexia Referral Assessment enquiry form

Step 2 - Send your enquiry form to us

Completed enquiry forms should be sent to:

Step 1 - Download and complete an enquiry form

Download Dyscalculia Referral Assessment enquiry form

Step 2 - Send your enquiry form to us

Completed enquiry forms should be sent to:

Step 1 - Download and complete a booking pack

Download Adult (16+) booking pack

Download Child (Over 12) booking pack

Step 2 - Send your booking pack to us

Completed booking packs should be sent to:

Step 3 - Payment

Please add your payment details

Add payment details


Specialist Teacher - £660.00
Psychologist - £840.00

Step 2 - Send your booking pack to us

Completed booking packs should be sent to:

Step 3 - Payment

Please add your payment details

Add payment details


Specialist Teacher - £660.00
Psychologist - £840.00