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Diagnostic Assessments for Dyslexia or Dyscalculia

If you wish to arrange an assessment with the BDA, please click one of the links in the ‘start an application section’ of this page.

More information can be found on the BDA Assessment Services page

Please note that to be able to undertake an assessment, you must have continuously lived in an English-speaking country and to have been regularly speaking, reading and writing English for a minimum of seven years. More information can be found on our FAQs page: Frequently Asked Questions

Should you need support completing your application, please contact our helpline on 0333 405 4567 or email

Start an application

Which service are you booking for?

Step 1 - Download and complete an enquiry form

Download Dyslexia Referral Assessment enquiry form

Step 2 - Send your enquiry form to us

Completed enquiry forms should be sent to:

Step 1 - Download and complete an enquiry form

Download Dyscalculia Referral Assessment enquiry form

Step 2 - Send your enquiry form to us

Completed enquiry forms should be sent to:

Step 1 - Download and complete a booking pack

Download Adult (16+) booking pack

Download Child (Over 12) booking pack

Step 2 - Send your booking pack to us

Completed booking packs should be sent to:

Step 3 - Payment

Please add your payment details

Add payment details


Specialist Teacher - £660.00
Psychologist - £840.00

Step 2 - Send your booking pack to us

Completed booking packs should be sent to:

Step 3 - Payment

Please add your payment details

Add payment details


Specialist Teacher - £660.00
Psychologist - £840.00