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Local Hubs Project

The BDA is developing an exciting new project piloting Local Hubs for dyslexia, in response to people telling us they are looking for something local and in-person. However, several areas of the UK lack a specific charity or association for dyslexia. We aim to provide support and services that people need in their area, that are accessible and inclusive to all.

Local Hubs are a community, not a place. A Local Hub is all about the people! Organisations, businesses and community groups joining forces with our BDA volunteers running these services to provide help and support to those with dyslexia. There is no physical base, we will be working with local organisations to use suitable venues for each service the hub offers.

Get involved
Take the survey - we are asking the community to share their views and get involved. We're also seeking input and partnership from organisations that can help widen our reach to children and adults with dyslexia.

Once our pilot Hubs are up and running we will expand the project to a wider network of Local Hubs where there are gaps in provision. For existing local area support from Local Dyslexia Associations around the UK, click here.