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Specialist Committees

Music Committee

To find out more about Music and dyslexia please click here.

You can also read a full referenced version of the article featured in the spring edition of Contact Magazine 2023 titled 'Dance and Neurodivergence' here


  • To be the ‘go-to’ source of information about music, neurodiversity and dyslexia with some responsibility and expertise in other areas of performing arts including dance and drama
  • To raise awareness of issues specific to music and dyslexia/neurodiversity and to aid the understanding of such issues
  • Dissemination of information as widely as possible
  • Collaboration with key music professional organisations in the UK including the main music examination boards; music hubs; the Incorporated Society of Musicians; the Musicians’ Union; the music conservatoires; music specialist schools and choir schools
  • To monitor best practice in the application of reasonable adjustments in music exams, both those provided by the main (UK) examination boards and those provided by other institutions, such as the Forces and specialist music establishments
  • The encouragement of further investigation into the area of music and dyslexia/neurodiversity
  • To be a central ‘hub’ for research and knowledge about music and dyslexia/neurodiversity
  • To raise awareness in relation to the use of music to support other areas of learning, such as literacy

Current committee members

Liz Horobin, Chair

Piano teaching, music teaching, dyslexia access arrangements; works for PATOSS

Sally Daunt

HE specialism; has BDA Level 5

Kristl Kirk

Piano teaching specialism and PhD student in music and dyslexia at York University

Karen Marshall

Piano teaching, primary and secondary specialisms and published author of music teaching material

Dr Katie Overy

HE and research specialism

Nick Sermon

Primary and secondary specialism; brass teaching; currently doing a BDA Level 5; specialist in music technology

Dr Paula Bishop-Liebler

HE support work; PhD in music and dyslexia; based in the USA

Associate members (who do not attend committee meetings)

Joy Smith

Piano teaching specialism; AMBDA

Dr Deborah Leveroy

Drama advisor

For further information and any specific queries, please email: