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Local Hubs Project

Local Hubs: Expert Panel

Local Hubs Expert Panel

We are bringing together a group of people to represent the dyslexia community and guide BDA's Local Hubs pilot project.

As well as inviting input from people in our Local Hub areas, we are co-producing the project with a voluntary panel of Experts by Experience. The panel will meet regularly throughout the pilot to provide guidance, raise questions, answer questions and help us to aim high with this work. We will post updates on the panel's activities as the project progresses.

A Local Hub Panel Expert, Rodger, explains why he volunteered and why it's important to him.
"As someone who is personally affected by dyslexia, I understand the challenges many people face and believe that this initiative is an opportunity to use my specialist knowledge to support the ambitions of the BDA in making national and local change. Nothing could be more satisfying!"

BDA Head of Support Services, Holly, looks forward to learning from the Expert Panel. "The BDA has a wide range of experience offering national services for people with dyslexia, but to provide local services that offer what people want and in the way they want it, we need to hear from people who have different perspectives and experiences. I'm keen to find out our panel's thoughts on what will work in local areas, how we can best provide it to be accessible to as many people as possible and how they would prioritise from all the potential great work we can do!"