eLearning - Employers
Do you want to find out more about how to raise awareness of dyslexia and dyscalculia in your workplace or discover ways to support and enable individuals to maximise their potential? We have a number of short courses and accredited programmes for developing effective and inclusive workplace practices.
Find the right course for you
Study method
An Introduction to Assistive Technology
2-3 hours
The development of technology that can support those who have dyslexia or other neurodiverse needs with tasks that they may find difficult, has transformed the landscape of options that are able to individuals. This mini eLearning module provides an overview of the typical product range that is currently available for children and adults and also points to some of the considerations to be aware of when choosing assistive technology for learning or work.
Part of an Accredited Course
Fundamentals of Dyslexia Awareness
4/5 hours
This eLearning module looks to develop an understanding of dyslexia and the nature of both the strengths and difficulties that may be experienced by a dyslexic individual.
Part of an Accredited Course
Fundamentals of Dyslexia Support
4/5 hours
This eLearning module examines the fundamental approaches required when providing dyslexia support to an individual, and looks at simple strategies to support some of the more common areas of difficulty.
Accredited Course
Accredited Level 4 - Workplace Assessors Programme (eLearning/Online)
4 supporting modules plus an accredited workbook
The BDA delivers a Level 4 accredited programme to train work-based assessors. On successful completion of the programme, participants will be able to assess individuals with dyslexia or other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) for adjustments within the workplace. The aim of the programme is to provide the necessary knowledge and skill for delegates to be able to perform this role and includes the appropriate research and applications in this area.
Specific Learning Difficulties and Performance in the Workplace
£25 per person
This mini eLearning module aims to provide employers, trainers and HR professionals with a brief overview of Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), how they may affect their workforce, and some basic support strategies that can be put in place to help individuals perform to their full potential in the workplace.
NMH Support Workers: Disability Awareness and Policy Training
£40 per person
The Quality Assurance Framework (DSA QAG) requires that NMH support workers must have appropriate training on the policies associated with this area of work before delivering DSA-funded NMH services.