Dyscalculia Awareness Day
Thursday 29 February 2024

What is Dyscalculia?
Dyscalculia is a lifelong hidden condition that affects people in different ways, but it is fundamentally to do with how individuals understand and process numbers. Research into dyscalculia is relatively new and rapidly progressing. Researchers have particularly been looking at how the brain processes number values and how some people can look at a group of objects and ‘just know’ how many there are or to give a sensible estimate and for other people this, and being able to easily relate a number to its value or magnitude is much more difficult.
Dyscalculia has several definitions which can cause confusion with identification. It is estimated that about 6% of the population have this sort of difficulty in one form or another and because it is related to brain function, it tends to be hereditary and run in families.
Difficulties can be varied and extensive and can have a big impact on learning and life. We need number skills to do almost everything. Being poor at maths can also impact on mental health and self-esteem.
"I am a qualified social worker and manager in social care and was studying for a business management course when I discovered that I may not get my qualification because I had been unable to pass a maths GCSE or Functional Skills 2 despite sitting it many times."
"I was then assessed by a BDA assessor who diagnosed dyscalculia. It explained everything about why I had always struggled with maths over the years. The diagnosis allowed me considerations with the exam board and I achieved a distinction on my course!" Kate
Dyscalculia Case Studies.
Real stories from from real people.

My Dyscalculia Story: Sarah Miles
Sarah hopes by sharing her experience, she can help others too. Read her full story here

My Dyscalculia Story: Catherine Starkey
Catherine shares how Dyscalculia affects her information processing, natural sense of time and managing finances.
Read her full story here
Helpful Links
- How is dyscalculia different from other maths learning difficulties?
- How does dyslexia affect maths learning?
- How does dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties affect adults?
- How to identify dyscalculia and maths learning difficulties
- What is maths anxiety?
- Find out more about Dyscalculia here
- Diagnostic Assessments for Dyscalculia