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Coventry University ENTENDER Erasmus+ project

Friday 14 February 2020

Our CEO Helen Boden had the pleasure of speaking at the ENTENDER Erasmus+ Project at Coventry University this week.

The talk explored the framework for a dyslexia friendly university and discussed the five standards of the British Dyslexia Association’s Quality Mark for Universities. These standards take a holistic view of a university from management and policy through to identification and support for dyslexic individuals in this environment. Linking this topic to the National Student Satisfaction Survey and the potential associated benefits for universities that take this approach.

She then made the connection between university and the world of work and how students can be supported in their onward journey into the workplace effectively. This included exploring the seeming disconnect between the inherent talents and abilities that neurodiverse individuals have and the work environment. This included exploring the very practical mechanisms that an employer can do firstly attract this talent, then to unlock this talent and most importantly retain this talent.