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British Dyslexia Association join round table discussion at House of Lords on access to social security

Friday 26 July 2019

The BDA were delighted to be invited to attend a round table discussion event at the House of Lords recently, hosted by Baroness Janke. The focus was on vulnerable users within the social security system.

The reality here is that a system that is impenetrable to anyone with challenges associated with literacy, organisational and memory will lead, inevitably, to a system where social injustice is the norm not the exception. If the system of social security available is regarded as a safety net for those who are most vulnerable in society, a system that by its very nature excludes individuals due to accessibility issues will effectively remove the safety net for those most likely to need it. Not to mention that such a system is indeed contrary to the Public Sector Equality Duty.

There are systemic failures in education, training, careers guidance and social security that all too often results in individuals being excluded from society and leaving them with only limited survival options that may or may not be within the parameters of the law. The wider costs to society, humanity and the individual are significant.

The BDA has submitted an evidence paper of case studies that highlights and details the issues and also some recommendations as to what improvements can be made.