#DAW24 - Your Story - Teresa Maria Robinson
Sunday 13 October 2024

Where does your dyslexia story begin?
As a child, I could relay all the different species of trees, but I couldn't read the names or spell, so science was my passion. I struggled undiagnosed throughout school. My passion was science, always finding answers to problems - so I became a research scientist. I got my dream job as a Scientist at Unilever, but I felt like a fraud always hiding my weakness feeling that one day they would discover me.
Has there be an unexpected twist or turn in your story?
As I became a parent, I realised that this was dyslexia, so I disclosed it to my employers, and to my delight I have been supported and able to share with others who are still hiding in the shadows frightened to share. I guess the diagnosis enabled me to grow in confidence and embrace my strengths and concentrate a little more when I need to.
I regularly hold roadshows highlighting the challenges and markers for dyslexia for managers so that they can identify dyslexia in their team.
What are your dyslexia strengths?
My natural curiosity enables me to challenge the norms but more importantly, enables me to think outside the box and give my colleagues ideas to their problems. I love my job.
What are your key dyslexia struggles?
In my role I need to report my findings - this is an area where I need to focus. Discipline enables me to have an approach (and a working template) making my reporting back to my team and Directors much easier
What would you say to inspire others on their journey with dyslexia?
Recognise your dyslexia - you’re not alone. We all have good days and bad. Just live in the moment and stop comparing yourself to others.