#DAW24 - Your Story - Isla Glover
Tuesday 8 October 2024

Where does your dyslexia story begin?
From the age of five to ten there were key indicators that I was struggling with dyslexia. However, my primary school didn't diagnose me with dyslexia and pushed me back into lower year classes and as a result I missed out critical points in my education.
Is there an unexpected twist or turn?
A problem with diagnosing my dyslexia is that I’m a very good reader and enjoy reading. Each person deals with dyslexia differently. I moved primary school, and my concerns were listened to and the process of getting diagnosed with dyslexia started.
After the diagnosis came through, I turned into a new person, I was bright and enjoyed going to school. Still to this day I have to explain to people that not every person with dyslexia is the same. We each have ways dyslexia affects us. Another lesson I’ve learnt is that people think that dyslexics are stupid but in reality, we are really smart people.
My dyslexia strength is the ability to view situations from a different perspective. I can come up with pros and cons of each suggestion and make suggestions that some people might not even think of. I have perseverance, time after time dyslexia has been made out to me as something that I shouldn’t celebrate and makes me weak. Some people were shocked that I came commended in the Scottish schools’ young writers award as a dyslexic.
I struggle with getting my thoughts down onto paper. Since I was diagnosed, I’ve come up with strategies and resources to help me overcome this.
What would you say to inspire others?
Don’t give up. If the world didn't have dyslexics in it then we wouldn’t have aeroplanes, airlines, artists, tv presenters, actors, chefs and so many more important things. I can guarantee they’ve all felt the way you feel. You are smart and you are strong. Don’t give up!