The SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) crisis
Tuesday 3 September 2024

Letter to the Secretary of State for Education
The BDA has joined other organisations working to support children and Young People with SEND, in writing to Bridget Phillipson, the Secretary of State for Education about the ‘SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) crisis’
The letter highlights that while the crisis is widely acknowledged, it is not necessarily understood in the same way by all parties. The statistics are well publicised:
- A 72% increase in the number of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) since 2019.
- A 283% increase in agreements to requests for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments since 2015.
- A 250% increase in appeals to the SEND Tribunal since 2015.
- Over 20% of students recorded as ‘persistently absent’, likely related to emotionally-based school non-attendance.
- An increase of 33,485 students attending alternative provision and special schools since 2015.
- Increasing numbers of Local Authorities unable to fulfil their statutory SEND requirements and experiencing associated financial unsustainability.
- 17% of pupils in England identified as having SEND (January 2023), indicating one in six children and young people are unable to successfully access the curriculum without support or adjustments
But in order to address the crisis, we must understand the factors underpinning it and consider SEND as part of the wider education system.
The letter underscores a fragmented system with competing pressures and inconsistent legislative frameworks combined with chronic underfunding; the cumulative impact of which disproportionately disadvantages children and young people with SEND. It urges a repositioning of ‘SEND’ within the wider education system so that it is no longer viewed as a ‘bolt-on’ but as central to all educational policy. It is not possible to ‘try to fix SEND’ without looking at the role of other parts of the system in contributing to and maintaining the current situation which has led to the current culture of blame.
The signatories request the Secretary of State for Education to ensure that any response is not limited to reference to the SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan, which does not address the issues.
Read the Open Letter to Bridget Phillipson about the SEND Crisis September 2024
Get Involved
We are asking for your help to raise awareness among the new government by emailing your MP. You can find out here who your local MP is and their contact details. Find your MP
Then simply download the template letter below add your own details and send it today. Our children and young people need a coordinated and united approach to improving the education system, and an end to the current culture of blame. Together we can help achieve this.
The following template text has been designed to send to your Member of Parliament. The sections highlighted should be changed depending on constituency. MPs can only respond to correspondence from their constituents so it’s important to include your address. You can find your MP and their email address by using this link: Find your MP - MPs and Lords - UK Parliament
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